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PainLab's Dr Andersen patient regains mobitity when he has her try the Neuro20 suit

Posted by neuro20
She had stroke-like contracture of her left arm and hand. It was tightly clinched and she would have to literally pry each finger open one at a time, but then they would quickly close again. Then after he suggested trying the Neuro20 suit, and after only a few sessions, her husband was in tears as she regained the use of that arm and hand. She can now open it. Dr. Arden Andersen uses the Neuro20 alomg with the WAVi brain scan and other non-invasive devices at PainLab in Lenexa, Kansas. Listen to my full episode as he and colleagueDr. Emilio John tell us how these new devices work, how they use them and how they have rekindled their love for treating patients again.
Posted November 11, 2024 - Filed in General Health - ##Neuro20PRO 
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